Lesley offers a commission service, where a client can order a particular painting of a scene or person. 

Lesley has extensive experience in painting a wide variety of commissions, including landscapes, homes and portraits. Usually, the client provides a photo but a photography service can be included to capture the project in the best light, position etc. There is ongoing communication during the process from the photography, drawing and ultimate painting stages so the client can see the progress of the project.

Costs vary depending on subject and size, all prices are agreed before commencement and a 15% non-refundable deposit is required. Free delivery within Ireland is offered and p&p charges apply to destinations outside of Ireland.

Commissions at Various Stages

Completed landscape of Owenahincha Beach, West Cork

Work in Progress - selection of doors and homes of importance to client

Portrait in Progress

Portrait in Progress - pencil drawing stage

Portrait in Progress - early oil paint stage

Portrait in Progress